domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Microsoft Community Contributor 2011 / MCC 2011 Award

Desde hace unos meses, he estado participando de forma activa en los foros de microsoft, sobre todo en la parte de servidores y el pasado día 28/07/2011 recibí un mail de Microsoft notificandome que me concedían la distinción o premio de Microsoft Community contributor, el mail rezaba así:

Congratulations! We’re pleased to inform you that your contributions to Microsoft online technical communities have been recognized with the Microsoft Community Contributor Award.

The Microsoft Community Contributor Award is reserved for participants who have made notable contributions in Microsoft online community forums such as TechNet, MSDN and Answers. The value of these resources is greatly enhanced by participants like you, who voluntarily contribute your time and energy to improve the online community experience for others. Aquí mi perfil
de Technet, lo cierto es que estoy muy contento, ya que se ha reconocido mi aportación a la comunidad, sin duda seguiré participando con gusto.

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